Receiving Patients and Visitors

  • Saydet Zgharta University Medical Center receives patients 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Queries and inquiries can be made at the Department of queries during the administrative work hours.
  • For convenience and observance of emergencies, kindly park the cars only in the hospital’s parking lot.

Admission Office

  • If you have a preset appointment with the hospital, you should head directly to the admission office and carry with you the admission paper given to you by your doctor as well as all the necessary documents related to the guarantor.
  • When making the decision to conduct a surgery, the scheduled doctor must contact the hospital to make an appointment and obtain approval to carry out the procedure. Upon approval, the patient must head to the admission office to prepare their personal file and undergo the necessary tests (according to the paper stating the required tests).
  • It is strictly forbidden for patients wanting to undergo surgery to take the tests on the same day of the procedure. Said tests must be done at least 24 hours prior to the procedure date.
  • While the patient is at the admission office, they must sign the Informed Consent and the Financial Agreement.

Admission Procedures

Upon arrival to the emergency department, a team of nurses will receive the patient under the supervision of the competent emergency doctor who examines them.

  • If the situation calls for admission to the hospital, the patient must stay in one of the emergency rooms, and a family member or a relative must head to the admission office to prepare the patient’s file.
  • If the situation does not call for admission to the hospital, the patient or a family member must head to the billing office to settle the emergency treatment costs and then leave the hospital (after completing the service evaluation form).

The Admission of a Minor to the Hospital

  • The admission of any minor patient to the hospital shall be upon the consent of the parents or one of the minor’s guardians.
  • In case any surgery should be conducted, the parents’ signature of the Informed Consent must be obtained to approve of the admission, except for some emergency cases.

Admission Office Working Hours

The admission office is open seven days a week from 7:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. On Sundays and holidays, and after 2:00 p.m., patients are admitted through the emergency department.

Admission to the Hospital

In the event a patient was granted approval to be admitted to the hospital and that all documents and administrative requirements are completed, the patient must head to the department official who would be waiting to brief them on all the necessary information as well as the rights and duties during the patient’s stay in the hospital.

The Data that must be submitted

A patient’s admission to the hospital requires some paperwork to be submitted to the admission office, depending on the laws of the guarantor. (See the data required)

Assistance and Follow-up with the Patient inside the Department

  • Each department in the hospital is headed by a specialist physician assisted by a number of doctors who are on call and ready to provide all the necessary treatments.
  • Each department also includes a staff of nurses and aides, present 24 hours a day, always ready to welcome you and offer the necessary service for the patient. There is a head nurse for each department, under the supervision of the Director of Nursing. In the event any problem occurs, you may reach out to the head nurse to solve it.

Instructions and a Model for Mandatory Medical Examinations before undergoing Surgery:

The patient must come to the hospital one day before the surgery date for the following reasons:

  1. Completing the admission procedure, preparing the medical file and submitting the supporting documents along with the admission approval of the guarantors (social security, ministry of health, army, cooperative, civil status record, etc.).
  2. Admission to the hospital before eating (on an empty stomach) in order to undergo blood tests and X-rays and to consult a cardiologist (if necessary).


In case the patient is on medication for chronic treatment (hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, Hemophilia, etc.) they must bring these medicines with them. On the day of the procedure, the patient must come to hospital at 6:00 a.m. and head to the surgical ward regardless of the time at which they will undergo surgery.

Note: In case the following steps are not taken, the surgery shall be postponed to another day. In the case of some exceptions, the surgeon must discuss the latter with the medical director.

In the event the surgery is postponed for medical reasons, coordination shall be made between the treating doctor and the medical director.

A list of the Required Documents according to the Guarantors

Ministry of Public Health

  1. Copy of the ID or the civil status record
  2. Hospitalization Request signed by the treating doctor
  3. Approval of the observing doctor by the Ministry of Public Health (present at the hospital)
  4. Approval of the legal doctor (present at the legal medical center in Zgharta Serail)

National Social Security Fund

Regular case: prior approval

Emergency case:

    1. 2 copies of the ID and the personal civil status record
    2. NSSF card and number
    3. Treating doctor’s report (cause of the emergency)
    4. Approval of the NSSF delegate (present at the hospital)
    5. Approval of the NSSF center in Zgharta

The Army

    1. Copy of the social services card
    2. Research statement (issued by the military medical department)
    3. Treating doctor’s report
    4. Approval of the military medical department


    1. Personal civil status record
    2. Hospitalization Request signed by the treating doctor related to the cooperative
    3. Required tests’ form
    4. Approval and signature of the direct director on the hospitalization request and the tests’ form
    5. Approval of the Employees Cooperative in Tripoli – Bahsas


    1. Copy of the social services card
    2. Research statement (Appendix 5)
    3. Treating doctor’s report
    4. Approval of the Gendarmerie Medical Department (Kobbe)

General Security and National Security

    1. Copy of the social services card
    2. Treating doctor’s report
    3. Approval of the Medical Department

Insurance Company

    1. Copy of the ID or the civil status record
    2. Copy of the insurance card or an accident statement
    3. Treating Doctor’s report
      For foreign workers on Lebanese territories:
      1. Passport
      2. Copy of the insurance card or insurance form
      3. Treating Doctor’s report
      4. Work permit
      5. Residence card issued by the general directorate of general security

Note: the required documents must be provided upon admission to the hospital in no longer than 12 hours.

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